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Introduction to Teaching Computer Science (Indiana)
Course Introduction (1:01)
Week 1: Computational Thinking, Pseudocode and the Engineering Design Cycle
Introduction to Computational Thinking (4:36)
Qualities of Computational Thinking (4:01)
Week 2: Scratch Introduction, Algorithms and Debugging
Introduction to Scratch (5:07)
Scratch Intro Continued (4:05)
Scratch Dance Party (3:40)
Qualities and Efficiencies of Algorithms (6:01)
Week 3: Scratch Applications and Sample Lessons
Scratch Lesson Planning Part 1 (7:09)
Scratch Lesson Planning Part 2 (10:13)
Cyber Week 4: Citizenship and Classroom Management in the CS Classroom
Cyber Citizenship (9:05)
Management in the CS Classroom (5:58)
Week 5: CS Certification in Indiana
Indiana State Certification Exam (Standards 1 & 2) (11:03)
Standard 3 (3:53)
Excel Tutorial (6:50)
Excel Tutorial continued (5:21)
Standards 4 & 5 (10:54)
Standards 6 & 7 and Test Taking Tips (14:11)
Qualities of Computational Thinking
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